Cinéma // Le Consentement (Consent)
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Institut français du Cambodge |

Vendredi 24 janvier à 18h30 // Friday, January 24th at 6:30pm
$2 / $1 / gratuit pour les étudiants de l'IFC // $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students
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toute la programmation
Le Consentement, de Vanessa Filho (2022)
Français sous-titré anglais
118 minutes
A partir de 16 ans
Paris, 1985. Vanessa a treize ans lorsqu'elle rencontre Gabriel Matzneff, écrivain quinquagénaire de renom. La jeune adolescente devient l'amante et la muse de cet homme célébré par le monde culturel et politique. Se perdant dans la relation, elle subit de plus en plus violemment l'emprise destructrice que ce prédateur exerce sur elle.
Consent, by Vanessa Filho (2022)
French with English subtitles
118 minutes
From 16 years old
Paris, 1985. Vanessa is thirteen when she meets Gabriel Matzneff. A very smart and manipulative man, the fifty-year-old renowned writer seduces the young girl. The adolescent becomes the lover and muse of a man celebrated by the cultural and political establishment. Losing herself in the relationship, she gradually starts to realize how destructive and anormal the situation is, until she finally sees Gabriel Matzneff for the predator he really is. Vanessa now has a long journey to free herself from his influence and heal from her suffering…
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