Cinéma // White Building (ប៊ូឌីញ ស) + Q&A w/ Kavich Neang
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Institut français du Cambodge |

Samedi 08 février à 14h // Saturday, February 08th at 2pm
$2 / $1 / gratuit pour les étudiants de l'IFC // $2 / $1 / Free for IFC students
White Building, by Kavich Neang (2021) - Followed by a Q&A with Kavich Neang
Khmer with English subtitles
From 16 years old
90 minutes
20-year-old Samnang and two of his friends live in the White Building, a landmark tenement in Phnom Penh. In this fast-changing city, the
three boys practice their dance routine dreaming of television talent contests while their parents lead a more traditional lifestyle. But
the White Building is to be demolished. Samnang observes his father unsuccessfully attempting to bring together his divided neighbors on the
government’s compensation offers for residents to move out, and he must face his best friend’s departure from Cambodia. Samnang finds that
the stable environment he has always called home is on shaky ground.
ប៊ូឌីញ ស, ដឹកនាំដោយ Kavich Neang (2021) - ជំនួបអ្នកនិពន្ធ កាវិច នាង
ចាប់ពីអាយុ ១៦ ឆ្នាំឡើងទៅ
90 នាទី
អាយុ២០ឆ្នាំ និងមិត្តភ័ក្តិពីរនាក់ទៀតរស់នៅអគារប៊ូឌីង ជាផ្ទះជួលដ៏សំខាន់ក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។
នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងដែលមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរយ៉ាងឆាប់រហ័សនេះ ក្មេងប្រុសទាំងបីបានអនុវត្តទម្លាប់រាំរបស់ពួកគេ ដោយសុបិនចង់ប្រលងទេពកោសល្យតាមទូរទស្សន៍
ខណៈដែលឪពុកម្តាយរបស់ពួកគេដឹកនាំរបៀបរស់នៅបែបប្រពៃណី។ ប៉ុន្តែអគារសត្រូវរុះរើ។